Monday, May 20, 2024

The Power of Prayer...

by Doug Eaton

Prayer is a powerful means of grace that God has provided to us. He has good things to give us that we do not have because we have not asked. Some may argue, but God knows what we need even if we do not ask. That is true, but refusing to pray is disobedience, and there are rewards to obedience in prayer that we will not experience any other way. For one, intimacy with our Father will always be lacking in our Christian life if we neglect prayer, and the peace that passes all understanding that flows from it will continue to elude us.

There is power in prayer; it changes things. Ask, seek, and knock, and you will receive. Do you believe this? I am not asking if you mentally agree with this truth. I am asking if your life gives evidence that you believe it to be true. Are you living the way someone who believes Jesus’s teaching on prayer would live? If not, begin today and find out what you are missing. Read it all!

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